It takes time.
Your friend has probably been playing for a long time, and that was his big break.
How "not" fun would this game be if money was so easily made. Think of making money in GW in terms of making money in real life.
Either be a middle-man, buying low and selling high for a bit of a profit, or farm (aka do some hard labor for a considerate amount of time) and you'll make money.
Of course, there are your expenses (in GW expenses are only things you may "want" to buy). Try to limit those.
There's no quick fix for money in GW unless you can find something to exploit. However, even then you have to take the time to actually set things up to "exploit" whatever it is you want to exploit.
The one thing I forgot to mention was providing a service for example like powerleveling, running (which really can only be done in Prophecies). There's some money in that too.